About Us
"Friend's Tools" is founded at young professional Mr. Hitesh and Mr. Bhavesh. Friend's Tools has been playing key role in talking technology to the people since 2008.
Our company manufacturing CNC, VMC, Special purpose inserted tool holder. Presently our company manufactures of precision tools like Gujnek, Back boring bar, Profile cutter, Indextable Cutter body, Micro Boring Tools and so many different type of Special purpose tool holder.
We have new generation machine in our tool room like a 5th Axis VMC (Jyoti Huron), 5th Axis VMC tilting machine (HASS), Hass and BFW 3 Axis machine, CNC Turning Center. We have also produce solid carbide tools with highly technology machine like (Walter-Germany). Our other facility in tool room is CMM, Laser Scanning, laser marking, Different types of Grinding Machine and other conversional machinery which is also belongs to very good company.